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Password on the second serwer
PatronDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 10:30 | Post # 1
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Hello everyone .

You know that second serwer is usually empty .

I thought its a good idea to make on it password and give it only good players .

First serwer will be open for everyone who wants to learn and this second could be only for good players who wants to play , no always waiting when newbies will learn.

I want to know what do u think about it . Write under the topic

Message edited by Patron - Wednesday, 18 July 12, 10:32
PisicutaChainzDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 12:35 | Post # 2
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the second server is empty when an admin appears, maybe put the password at the pro tactical, and then it is really a pro tactical server and let the other server be normal
JerichoDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 12:44 | Post # 3
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The life is a game.We play to win.
PatronDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 13:12 | Post # 4
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i was talking about it with 1 member . He told me its a bad idea so i said maybe on second . ofc i prefer this pro but ...
HunterCZDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 13:43 | Post # 5
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Patron, you can mention my name smile I'm not ashamed of my opinions smile

If we isolate those server, that will cause following:
- Good players are going to that passworded server
- Second server will be full of noobs with no admins or good players around to show them how to play

That second point is very important because that would turn Pro Tactical server to Noob NoTacticalWhatsoever Server. Do you really want that?

That's why I think that's not a good idea.

But you said second server is very often empty. Then ask few good players if they want to join and play together sometimes. But create a fully dedicated server for that, not a fan, sorry.
KozakDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 13:52 | Post # 6
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Well, yes, but also its nice to play with people which you want play and thats why you can close sometimes the server for password to unknown persons which can't enter smile

At UTF since 24.11.11
I write true what i think, so don't be sad when i offend you :).

Message edited by Kozak - Wednesday, 18 July 12, 13:53
PatronDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 14:02 | Post # 7
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Hunter we have WA and GM they can look at this serwer , and i didnt mean that always good players play on the second serwer with password , only when they want . I dont think so if all good players will play only on this one with password
dCmDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 14:21 | Post # 8
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I can pay third server biggrin haha and we can name it Ultra Hyper Pro Tactical and this one is locked then biggrin
michciu96Date: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 16:12 | Post # 9
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Super Hyper Pro Most Realistic Tactical Ever Server

HunterCZDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 16:41 | Post # 10
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Patron, look at the situation now. Do you think that WA control over other server will be that good? I just think that's not gonna work out well. We shouldn't isolate ourselves from others.
RickDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 18:29 | Post # 11
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Quote (dCm)
I can pay third server biggrin haha and we can name it Ultra Hyper Pro Tactical and this one is locked then biggrin

hahaha you wouldn't be allowed to play on your own server lol.

password = a very good idea. lets play some real tactical pro, even with members only this is not done so easily. it is impossible to play tactical PRO with random joining noobs which UTF has tolerated for way to long.

Make the password protected server STRICT. That is as in: TS3 Users only, Members only (no RC's), Short briefing time because the players that know how to play tactical pro all know the basic equipment terms like that standard flashkit is 4 bangs 1 wedge, gaskit 4 cs gas 1 wedge, full flashkit 5 bangs, that all with a lethal and a taser c2 helmet blablabla.
Believe me, tactical PRO is not done easy, you must know the game. I like to play it like the good old days, since i was away i got lazy in swat and im afraid i will never be able to play like that again.
And no, "Tactical PRO" is not just filled server with only UTF members like alot of you may think. it's a totally different gameplay. It is way more dynamic then "tactical". in tactical the leader has time to wait and explain stuff to the team, let the team stack up etc. back when we played tactical pro under majors lead, we had 4 seconds to complete a room, after 4 seconds you where opening the other door allready. (ofc we only picked up guns, not cuffing, you got a RG for that).

This gameplay is way different then we are playing at the moment. if you see it you will think they are ramboing. but after 3 minutes when an average map was completed, you see the score and you know there are no rambo's.

Quote (HunterCZ)
If we isolate those server, that will cause following:
- Good players are going to that passworded server
- Second server will be full of noobs with no admins or good players around to show them how to play

This will not happen.
There are allways members that are not able to play on tactical pro, because:
- A member doesnt have TS3 and a microphone at the moment
- A member wants to play just tactical, because tactical PRO is intensive.
- A member is just not skilled enough to play tactical PRO
- A member forgot the password
- There are not enough tactical PRO playing members.

Everybody stutters one way or the other so check out this message to you, as a matter of fact let nothing hold you back if the gasman can gas it, so can you, im the gasman. dee dab a dee da dab
MikeDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 18:33 | Post # 12
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Quote (HunterCZ)
Patron, you can mention my name I'm not ashamed of my opinions

If we isolate those server, that will cause following:
- Good players are going to that passworded server
- Second server will be full of noobs with no admins or good players around to show them how to play

That second point is very important because that would turn Pro Tactical server to Noob NoTacticalWhatsoever Server. Do you really want that?

That's why I think that's not a good idea.

But you said second server is very often empty. Then ask few good players if they want to join and play together sometimes. But create a fully dedicated server for that, not a fan, sorry.

True, if we let this happend, it will just as it was with ETS (they had two servers but Tactical PRO was the only one with people). My suggestion would be to have the 2nd server locked and only use for utf training ocasions (with possibility of invitations) and keep the other server rocking

Tnx to floffypus for the sign :D
HunterCZDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 19:07 | Post # 13
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Funny thing, I was discussing the 3minutes for a map yesterday with other members. But I think we can arrange some session and lock the server. Temporarily, not permanently. We can arrange those sessions on xfire and forum for example. What do you think?
KozakDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 19:40 | Post # 14
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Finally, someone mentioned this, bravo rick :). I waited a long time until someone finally mention the difference between tactical and pro. For most people, tactical play ends at 4 bangs, wedge / 4 gas, wedge bla bla bla, always the same equipment, same movements. Rick also mentioned the so-called dynamic entries. 4 seconds to complete the room, very good point buddy.

At UTF since 24.11.11
I write true what i think, so don't be sad when i offend you :).

RickDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 21:45 | Post # 15
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@hunter, i think we could very well lock one server down permanently for PRO tactical/Trainings/competition, the other one for UTF tactical game (the wait 10 minutes before your leader gives an order kind of tactical, AKA the usual gameplay currently)
That last kind of playing is the most populair on Swat4 Coop, but it isn't PRO tactical.
PRO tactical is less populair on swat4, because it is way more advanced then the regular tactical.


making entry with a flashbang on a big room with a door to 9, 12, 3

- regular tactical

leader: "Stack up"
leader: "Deploy Flashbang to 12 oclock medium range"
leader: "#1 go this way"
leader: "#2 go that way"
leader: "#3 go there"
leader: "Go Go Go"

- Tactical PRO

leader: "open bang and clear"

in both tactical and tactical pro, the room is cleared without penalties. the difference is in tactical PRO it's waaaaay faster, and that common sence is needed for the players. the team sees the command: "open bang and clear", so lines up at the door. #2 bangs on the most logic place (different in every room, but he played enough to remember where to bang where on what door). #2 also waits with pulling the pin till he sees that #3 and #4 are not in fireline, when they are not, he pulls the pin, #1 opens the door and #2 will bang.
instead of the leader saying where each member needs to go, the members know it themselve, with the standard rule: #1 runs to the farest place in the room, #2 to the other side. they make sure to block doors, and punch suspects along the way, picking up guns if they surrender. leader will support where he is needed the most.

it's loads and loads of common sense combined with swat4 knowledge, but you can only play it with a TEAM. you can only get such a TEAM with players that are expierenced in swat4. But a bunch of expierenced players is only the start, loads of training in the tactical PRO way is needed before you will get good results.

and TEAM's dont just come online at the same time, so members will allways keep playing the regular tactical coop.

and btw,
That second point is very important because that would turn Pro Tactical server to Noob NoTacticalWhatsoever Server. Do you really want that?

this is allready happening right now. because utf members will join the other utf members, allways have been. the other server will stay either emtpy, or full of rambo's

you won't get a Noob NoTacticalWhatsoever Server when you lock one of the servers, and make it real PRO tactical.

@kozak, if you waited for it, why didn't you just tell? biggrin (believe me it's not the first time that i say UTF has no real PRO tactical server lol)

Everybody stutters one way or the other so check out this message to you, as a matter of fact let nothing hold you back if the gasman can gas it, so can you, im the gasman. dee dab a dee da dab

Message edited by Rick - Wednesday, 18 July 12, 21:46
HunterCZDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 22:13 | Post # 16
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I would like to play the real PRO tactical some time, but are there enough of that experienced players for that? Plus we still need to attend the first server to keep the level of the play and stuff.

EDIT: Permanently locked - it would be empty for majority of the time and you still usually need to arrange those PRO sessions, because no one will play there for hours to wait for others to join. Is it really a good idea to fully dedicate the second server to PRO tactical passworded? Can't we just arrange those sessions and lock the server accordingly?

Message edited by HunterCZ - Wednesday, 18 July 12, 22:16
KozakDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 22:37 | Post # 17
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For example SOG have password server and its looks well smile

At UTF since 24.11.11
I write true what i think, so don't be sad when i offend you :).

MuffdogDate: Wednesday, 18 July 12, 23:02 | Post # 18
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the SAS Clan has a server specifically for friends of the clan. They are given a password for the server so they can play with each other without worrying about noobs, rambos, etc. From what I've seen, it works quite well for them. They don't constantly play on the passworded server.

BachusDate: Thursday, 19 July 12, 10:46 | Post # 19
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That's why I love Rick (for the last post).
I still see old players, even members that asks where to bang when I say "open bang and clear". And that happens in very easy and well known maps like A-Bomb.

We enter alive, we get out alive.
PatronDate: Thursday, 19 July 12, 11:40 | Post # 20
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Ok so make this password on any serwer and lets give the password good players like Sorboni , 7up , Saber , wakka and so on . There are lot of good players who arent members and want to play tactical , no always wait when member will explain everything newbies .
I had to sorry them many times for that . I saw that they were bored and wanted to play tactical , sorry PRO tactical and they couldnt . Where they can play pro if not with us so lets make this password on some serwer and give it everyone good players . Sry for english , i had no time for translator biggrin
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